About us
We champion Latina Executives
to unapologetically reclaim
their time and energy.
Women Activating Women provides a safe space to explore and unfold their multi-identity beyond their current jobs.
Reclaim your time, reclaim your energy,
and proudly reclaim your multiculturalism.
You deserve nothing less.
Te sientes UNICA pero no LA unica?
I give space to my own voice to create a compelling narrative.
I listen to my proud Latin Heritage.
I unleash my energy to develop nurturing relationships and meaningful projects at work and at home. My Latinidad is my Superpower!
I unfold my passion and give form to a fulfilling life in all the dimensions that I lead or participate
I amplify moments of joy and belong to a group of other Unique Women - we are in this together
I integrate my multidimensionality to expand my leadership impact even more
Executive Latinas that worked with us say
71% enhanced their connection with themselves, their network, and their community
75% made significant progress towards managing their time and energy
76% reported being happier & more fulfilled in life
96% increased their clarity on the goals to reclaim their time and energy
​100% were able to identify enablers to support their goals